Installing Marble Flooring

Marble Install 1024x682 - Installing Marble FlooringMarble flooring is sophisticated, durable, and value adding to both commercial and residential properties. But installing marble flooring is one of the trickiest home improvement jobs and, in most cases, is best left to the professionals.

Due to marble’s unique grain and heavy weight, it gives a look and feel that can’t be duplicated by less expensive options. Nothing can replace genuine marble flooring for style, class, and longevity. But an improper installation can reduce the life expectancy of marble flooring, increase the risk of cracking or shattering, and end up costing you a lot more money.

 Preparing the Subfloor

One mistake amateurs often make while attempting to install marble flooring is failing to check the structural soundness of the floor underneath. Unless it is reinforced, wood flooring can collapse under the weight of marble, or under the combined weight of the marble and the people and objects it supports.

Installing marble directly to a wood subfloor can lead to chipped, cracked or broken marble tiles in a relatively short period of time. A cement board is typically required between wood flooring and marble.

Concrete flooring is typically strong enough to handle the weight of marble. But concrete needs to be perfectly level. Even the smallest imperfections can cause big problems when installing marble flooring.

 Cutting Marble

Marble needs to be cut to fit the space you are tiling. But standard tile snappers don’t work on marble. While they can cut through ceramic tile and other types of flooring, they will snap if you try to use them on denser marble.

A special type of wet saw is typically used to cut marble to the right shape.

There are lots of home improvement projects that you can do yourself. But when it comes to expensive, heavy marble, it’s best to leave it to the professionals at Love Marble.

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