The Big Question: Repair or Replace Marble?

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Marble counters, floors, and other features that are worn, damaged, or aged are less attractive than newly installed marble. But replacing marble can often be prohibitively expensive. In some instances, it makes more sense to simply repair marble.

Whether to repair or replace less than perfect marble is often a difficult question to answer. But the marble care experts at Love Marble have the experience, knowledge, and equipment to give you an honest, straightforward answer.

Money, Time, and Usage

Generally, the “repair or replace” question comes down to three factors: Money, time, and usage. The first is the most obvious: Will it cost more to replace your marble or simply repair it? In most instances, a repair is usually cheaper than a replacement, but if the damage is severe the marble may not be repairable.

Time has to do with how old the marble is. While marble is a durable rock, it doesn’t last forever. So if your damaged, stained, or chipped marble is very old, even if you make repairs now there’s a good chance it will simply break down again later.

Finally, there’s usage. This refers to how the marble is used. For example, if your damaged marble flooring is located in a public space like a train station or a bank lobby, it probably will continue to get a lot of use. So replacing it may make more sense in the long run. But if your marble is lightly used — such as a residential kitchen countertop — a simple repair may be the right solution.

Love Marble

Whether you need to repair or replace your marble, Love Marble can help. Our team of experienced marble experts not only will give you the best answer, but also perform the services you need to get your marble looking its best.

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