Real Numbers Help You Make Informed Decisions
A lot of homeowners or business owners will put off a much-needed repair, maintenance, or cleaning project involving their marble floors, walls, or other surfaces because they aren't sure how much it will cost. Some believe marble work is prohibitively expensive. And for that reason, it's often better to live with dirty, damaged, or worn marble rather than have the work done. The truth is you can't know how much a particular marble repair, maintenance, or cleaning project costs until you a...
Read MoreDamaged, Stained, or Worn Marble Can Harm Your Reputation
When people walk into your business, you want them to be impressed. The way your entryway, hallway, or atrium looks can set the tone for the entire business interaction. So when visitors enter your business to find marble floors, walls, or countertops that are stained, pitted, cracked, damaged, or otherwise less than perfect, it can immediately put you at a disadvantage. Bad marble is worse than having no marble at all. Marble Repair Manhattan -- What Your Marble Says about Your Business...
Read MoreYour Marble Puts You in Good Company
If you have marble floors, walls, columns, or other fixtures in your home or commercial building, you are in good company. Marble has been used for thousands of years to show luxury, opulence, and wealth. Many of the most famous and significant buildings and structures in the world include marble. And it's a testament to marble's longevity that they are still standing and in as good a shape today as they were when they were originally installed. Marble Restoration NYC -- World's Most Famous ...
Read MoreLove Marble Brings Old Marble Floors to Life
If you are renovating or updating home or business, you want it to look its best. Marble, granite and other stone surfaces enhance both the look and efficiency of any interior space. Homes will look more luxurious with marble floors or countertops. Businesses can give the impression of success when they have top-quality materials. But if your existing marble is worn, damaged, or in disrepair, it isn't serving its optimal purpose. Marble Repair Manhattan -- Bringing Old Marble to New Life ...
Read MoreMarble Countertops Require a Little TLC
If you have been considering adding marble countertops to your kitchen, there are a couple of things you need to know. While marble is one of the most luxurious and attractive surfaces, it also requires more care and attention than other types of kitchen counter surfaces. Real marble is a natural rock that is mined from the ground. It's not manufactured in a factory or designed to be resistant to stains like man-made surfaces. In short, you need to be more careful with marble. Marble Cleanin...
Read MorePre-Holidays Is Time for Polishing Marble
Summer is over. The kids are back in school. And football season is in full swing. That can mean only one thing: The holiday season is right around the corner. Many homeowners host holiday get-togethers during the holidays, inviting family and friends they haven't seen all year into their homes to enjoy some holiday cheer and companionship. This holiday season, if you truly want to make your home look its best, you need to ensure that your marble floors, countertops, and other surfaces are...
Read MoreWhen It Comes to Marble Restoration, DIY Is Risky
When it comes to your home or business, there are some things that are okay to "do it yourself", or DIY. You might want to try your hand at decorating, for example, or doing minor repairs. But there are other jobs that are just too big to tackle on your own without the necessary experience. You probably wouldn't want to fool around with your plumbing or fiddle inside your electrical panel because you could make things worse, not to mention get hurt. Marble restoration would probably fall i...
Read MoreTips for Cleaning and Maintaining Your Marble Surfaces
Marble is one of the most durable and attractive materials used today. It is widely used as for flooring in high-traffic areas, wall covering in public buildings, and increasingly as a countertop surface in private kitchens. While marble is very hard, it is not impenetrable. It still needs to be kept clean and properly maintained. With proper care, marble can last much longer than other materials, sometimes as long as a century or longer. Marble Repair Manhattan -- Pay Attention to Your Marb...
Read MoreMost Popular Uses for Marble Surfaces
Marble is one of the oldest building materials known to man. It has been used for centuries in buildings, public spaces, and statues throughout the civilized world. In fact, many of the ancient ruins that have survived to this day have done so thanks to the hard, durable marble used in their original construction thousands of years ago. Marble Polishing NYC -- Most Famous Marble Creations Marble was the material of choice for Michelangelo, the Italian Renaissance sculptor known for his stat...
Read MoreMarble Surfaces Combine Luxury with Durability
Have you ever wondered why so many old buildings are decorated with marble floors, walls, and details? Or why many of the classic statues displayed in the world's best museums were carved out of solid marble? The reason why is because marble is and always has been one of the most durable materials on Earth. And it also happens to be one of the most beautiful and luxurious. People have been using marble in public buildings, homes, and museum pieces for thousands of years. Marble Restoration N...
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