Consider Marble Countertops for Kitchen Renovations

20190102 115334 300x225 - Consider Marble Countertops for Kitchen Renovations

In recent years, homeowners have found a lot of options for kitchen countertops. Walk into any home improvement center or contractor’s outlet and you will find a wide variety of materials that are both attractive and durable.

But none are as good as marble, the original luxury kitchen countertop material. There’s a reason builders have been featuring marble as the centerpiece of their structures for thousands of years. Those same reasons make marble your top choice for your next kitchen countertop.

Luxury and Elegance

Marble is not the cheapest countertop material. In fact, its cost is one of the reasons so many other more affordable materials have been developed in recent years. But unlike countertops made from composites or inferior stones, marble is both durable and enduring.

In 20 years or so, countertops made of other materials may look worn, chipped, or stained. But marble can hold its beauty for longer than practically any other countertop material. There are marble features in buildings constructed many decades ago that look nearly as good as they did the day they were installed.

Marble also adds value, both in terms of practicality and economics. Marble countertops are tough enough to stand up to decades of use without showing wear. They also can improve the resale value of your home: Marble countertops are a prime selling factor for luxury homes today because they show their owners were willing to invest in quality as well as beauty.

Sign of Distinction

Marble countertops are a selling point that lets you get top dollar for your property. In rental units, they justify a higher monthly rent. In new construction, they indicate luxury and quality.

If you are considering a kitchen renovation, prioritize marble countertops. They may cost a little more initially, but the value and practicality they add in the long run are more than worth the investment.

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