Marble Needs Spring Cleaning Too

20191112 095050 225x300 - Marble Needs Spring Cleaning Too

Spring is right around the corner. And with it comes the annual deep cleaning of houses, businesses, and just about everything.

If you have marble surfaces like floors, countertops, wall coverings, or even statues or other decorative pieces, it’s important to give them a good cleaning at least once per year. Yes, your marble needs spring cleaning, too!

Winter Blues

Why does everything seem to get dirtier during the winter? A lot of it has to do with the fact that buildings tend to be closed up throughout the winter. So all of the dust, dirt, and debris that might fly out the windows of doors during the warmer months are trapped inside during the winter, falling on marble and other surfaces and building up over the course of weeks and months.

Marble floors, in particular, take a beating during the winter. That’s because the dirt, snow, and ice from the outside get tracked indoors, leaving behind dirty puddles and other grime that only gets worse as winter goes on.

But when the weather gets warmer in spring and the sun starts shining again, all of that interior dirt and grime becomes more noticeable, making spring cleaning an essential annual tradition.

Love Marble

The marble cleaning experts at Love Marble specialize in cleaning indoor marble surfaces. If you manage public or private buildings with marble flooring and other surfaces, now is the time to line up your spring cleaning. Getting your appointment early ensures your facility gets top priority.

Our teams of experienced professionals can clean, polish, and even repair and maintain your marble so that it looks better than brand new. This spring, get your marble back into optimal condition.

Don’t wait until spring has sprung to schedule your spring cleaning from Love Marble. The time to make arrangements for your marble’s spring cleaning is right now!

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